脚本在线地址 wget https://byy3.com/bk/ZBench-CN.sh (需要root权限) #chmod +x ZBench-CN.sh #来源 https://github.com/lvwuwei/ZBench # Check if user is root zbench-cn.sh国内服务器测试源码脚本 # Check if user is root #[ $(id -u) != "0" ] && { echo "${CFAILURE}Error: You must be root to run this script${CEND}"; exit 1; } #验证是否root用户权限 # Check if wget installed if [ ! -e '/usr/bin/wget' ]; then echo "Error: wget command not found. You must be install wget command at first." exit 1 fi read -p "请输入你的服务器提供商: " Provider # Get IP OwnerIP=$(who am i | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[()]//g') while :; do echo read -p "请确认你所在地的IP:${OwnerIP} [y/n]: " ifOwnerIP if [[ ! ${ifOwnerIP} =~ ^[y,n]$ ]]; then echo "输入错误! 请确保你输入的是 'y' 或者 'n'" else break fi done if [[ ${ifOwnerIP} == "n" ]]; then while :; do echo read -p "请输入你所在地的IP: " OwnerIP if [[ ! ${OwnerIP} ]]; then echo "输入错误!IP地址不能为空!" else break fi done fi # Check release if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then release="centos" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" fi # Colors RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' SKYBLUE='\033[0;36m' PLAIN='\033[0m' rm -rf /tmp/report && mkdir /tmp/report echo "正在安装必要的依赖,请耐心等待..." # Install Virt-what if [ ! -e '/usr/sbin/virt-what' ]; then echo "Installing Virt-What......" if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum -y install virt-what > /dev/null 2>&1 else apt-get update apt-get -y install virt-what > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi # Install uuid echo "Installing uuid......" if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum -y install uuid > /dev/null 2>&1 else apt-get -y install uuid > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # Install curl echo "Installing curl......" if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum -y install curl > /dev/null 2>&1 else apt-get -y install curl > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # Install Besttrace if [ ! -e '/tmp/besttrace' ]; then echo "Installing Besttrace......" dir=$(pwd) cd /tmp/ wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionClub/ZBench/master/besttrace > /dev/null 2>&1 cd $dir fi chmod a+rx /tmp/besttrace # Check Python if [ ! -e '/usr/bin/python' ]; then echo "Installing Python......" if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum update > /dev/null 2>&1 yum -y install python else apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get -y install python fi fi # Install Speedtest if [ ! -e '/tmp/speedtest.py' ]; then echo "Installing SpeedTest......" dir=$(pwd) cd /tmp/ wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest.py > /dev/null 2>&1 cd $dir fi chmod a+rx /tmp/speedtest.py # Install Zping-CN if [ ! -e '/tmp/ZPing-CN.py' ]; then echo "Installing ZPing-CN.py......" dir=$(pwd) cd /tmp/ wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionClub/ZBench/master/ZPing-CN.py > /dev/null 2>&1 cd $dir fi chmod a+rx /tmp/ZPing-CN.py #"TraceRoute to Shanghai Telecom" /tmp/besttrace > /tmp/sht.txt 2>&1 & #"TraceRoute to Shanghai Mobile" /tmp/besttrace speedtest2.sh.chinamobile.com > /tmp/shm.txt 2>&1 & #"TraceRoute to Shanghai Unicom" /tmp/besttrace > /tmp/shu.txt 2>&1 & #"TraceRoute to Guangdong Telecom" /tmp/besttrace > /tmp/gdt.txt 2>&1 & #"TraceRoute to Guangdong Mobile" /tmp/besttrace > /tmp/gdm.txt 2>&1 & #"TraceRoute to Guangdong Unicom" /tmp/besttrace > /tmp/gdu.txt 2>&1 & #"TraceRoute to Owner's Network" /tmp/besttrace ${OwnerIP} > /tmp/own.txt 2>&1 & get_opsy() { [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && awk '{print ($1,$3~/^[0-9]/?$3:$4)}' /etc/redhat-release && return [ -f /etc/os-release ] && awk -F'[= "]' '/PRETTY_NAME/{print $3,$4,$5}' /etc/os-release && return [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && awk -F'[="]+' '/DESCRIPTION/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release && return } next() { printf "%-74s\n" "-" | sed 's/\s/-/g' } speed_test() { local speedtest=$(wget -4O /dev/null -T300 $1 2>&1 | awk '/\/dev\/null/ {speed=$3 $4} END {gsub(/\(|\)/,"",speed); print speed}') local ipaddress=$(ping -c1 -nawk -F'/' '{print $3}' <<< $1
| awk -F'[()]' '{print $2;exit}') local nodeName=$2 local latency=$(ping $ipaddress -c 3 | grep avg | awk -F / '{print $5}')" ms" printf "${YELLOW}%-26s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" "${nodeName}" "${ipaddress}" "${speedtest}" "${latency}" #Record Speed Data echo ${ipaddress} >> /tmp/speed.txt echo ${speedtest} >> /tmp/speed.txt echo ${latency} >> /tmp/speed.txt } speed() { speed_test 'http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test' 'CacheFly' speed_test 'http://speedtest.tokyo.linode.com/100MB-tokyo.bin' 'Linode, Tokyo, JP' speed_test 'http://speedtest.singapore.linode.com/100MB-singapore.bin' 'Linode, Singapore, SG' speed_test 'http://speedtest.london.linode.com/100MB-london.bin' 'Linode, London, UK' speed_test 'http://speedtest.frankfurt.linode.com/100MB-frankfurt.bin' 'Linode, Frankfurt, DE' speed_test 'http://speedtest.fremont.linode.com/100MB-fremont.bin' 'Linode, Fremont, CA' speed_test 'http://speedtest.dal05.softlayer.com/downloads/test100.zip' 'Softlayer, Dallas, TX' speed_test 'http://speedtest.sea01.softlayer.com/downloads/test100.zip' 'Softlayer, Seattle, WA' speed_test 'http://speedtest.fra02.softlayer.com/downloads/test100.zip' 'Softlayer, Frankfurt, DE' speed_test 'http://speedtest.sng01.softlayer.com/downloads/test100.zip' 'Softlayer, Singapore, SG' speed_test 'http://speedtest.hkg02.softlayer.com/downloads/test100.zip' 'Softlayer, HongKong, CN' } speed_test_cn(){ if [[ $1 == '' ]]; then temp=$(python /tmp/speedtest.py --share 2>&1) is_down=$(echo "$temp" | grep 'Download') if [[ ${is_down} ]]; then local REDownload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Download/{print $2}') local reupload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Upload/{print $2}') local relatency=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Hosted/{print $2}') local nodeName=$2 printf "${YELLOW}%-29s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" "${nodeName}" "${reupload}" "${REDownload}" "${relatency}" else local cerror="ERROR" fi else temp=$(python /tmp/speedtest.py --server $1 --share 2>&1) is_down=$(echo "$temp" | grep 'Download') if [[ ${is_down} ]]; then local REDownload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Download/{print $2}') local reupload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Upload/{print $2}') local relatency=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Hosted/{print $2}') temp=$(echo "$relatency" | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') if [[ ${temp} -gt 1000 ]]; then relatency=" 000.000 ms" fi local nodeName=$2 printf "${YELLOW}%-29s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" "${nodeName}" "${reupload}" "${REDownload}" "${relatency}" else local cerror="ERROR" fi fi #Record Speed_cn Data echo ${reupload} >> /tmp/speed_cn.txt echo ${REDownload} >> /tmp/speed_cn.txt echo ${relatency} >> /tmp/speed_cn.txt } speed_cn() { speed_test_cn '12637' '襄阳电信' speed_test_cn '3633' '上海电信' speed_test_cn '4624' '成都电信' speed_test_cn '4863' "西安电信" speed_test_cn '5083' '上海联通' speed_test_cn '5726' '重庆联通' speed_test_cn '4751' "北京电信" speed_test_cn '5145' '北京联通' speed_test_cn '6132' '湖南电信' rm -rf /tmp/speedtest.py } io_test() { (LANG=C dd if=/dev/zero of=test_$$ bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -f test_$$ ) 2>&1 | awk -F, '{io=$NF} END { print io}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' } calc_disk() { local total_size=0 local array=$@ for size in ${array[@]} do [ "${size}" == "0" ] && size_t=0 || size_t=echo ${size:0:${#size}-1}
[ "echo ${size:(-1)}
" == "K" ] && size=0 [ "echo ${size:(-1)}
" == "M" ] && size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' / 1024}' ) [ "echo ${size:(-1)}
" == "T" ] && size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' * 1024}' ) [ "echo ${size:(-1)}
" == "G" ] && size=${size_t} total_size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$total_size' + '$size'}' ) done echo ${total_size} } cname=$( awk -F: '/model name/ {name=$2} END {print name}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) cores=$( awk -F: '/model name/ {core++} END {print core}' /proc/cpuinfo ) freq=$( awk -F: '/cpu MHz/ {freq=$2} END {print freq}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) tram=$( free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}' ) uram=$( free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $3}' ) swap=$( free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $2}' ) uswap=$( free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $3}' ) up=$( awk '{a=$1/86400;b=($1%86400)/3600;c=($1%3600)/60} {printf("%d days, %d hour %d min\n",a,b,c)}' /proc/uptime ) load=$( w | head -1 | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) opsy=$( get_opsy ) arch=$( uname -m ) lbit=$( getconf LONG_BIT ) kern=$( uname -r ) ipv6=$( wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ipv6.icanhazip.com ) disk_size1=($( LANG=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem' | awk '{print $2}' )) disk_size2=($( LANG=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem' | awk '{print $3}' )) disk_total_size=$( calc_disk ${disk_size1[@]} ) disk_used_size=$( calc_disk ${disk_size2[@]} ) clear next echo -e "CPU 型号 : ${SKYBLUE}$cname${PLAIN}" echo -e "CPU 核心数 : ${SKYBLUE}$cores${PLAIN}" echo -e "CPU 频率 : ${SKYBLUE}$freq MHz${PLAIN}" echo -e "总硬盘大小 : ${SKYBLUE}$disk_total_size GB ($disk_used_size GB Used)${PLAIN}" echo -e "总内存大小 : ${SKYBLUE}$tram MB ($uram MB Used)${PLAIN}" echo -e "SWAP大小 : ${SKYBLUE}$swap MB ($uswap MB Used)${PLAIN}" echo -e "开机时长 : ${SKYBLUE}$up${PLAIN}" echo -e "系统负载 : ${SKYBLUE}$load${PLAIN}" echo -e "系统 : ${SKYBLUE}$opsy${PLAIN}" echo -e "架构 : ${SKYBLUE}$arch ($lbit Bit)${PLAIN}" echo -e "内核 : ${SKYBLUE}$kern${PLAIN}" echo -ne "虚拟化平台 : " virtua=$(virt-what) 2>/dev/null if [[ ${virtua} ]]; then echo -e "${SKYBLUE}$virtua${PLAIN}" else echo -e "${SKYBLUE}No Virt${PLAIN}" fi next io1=$( io_test ) echo -e "硬盘I/O (第一次测试) : ${YELLOW}$io1${PLAIN}" io2=$( io_test ) echo -e "硬盘I/O (第二次测试) : ${YELLOW}$io2${PLAIN}" io3=$( io_test ) echo -e "硬盘I/O (第三次测试) : ${YELLOW}$io3${PLAIN}" next ##Record All Test data rm -rf /tmp/info.txt touch /tmp/info.txt echo $cname >> /tmp/info.txt echo $cores >> /tmp/info.txt echo $freq MHz >> /tmp/info.txt echo "$disk_total_size GB ($disk_used_size GB 已使用) ">> /tmp/info.txt echo "$tram MB ($uram MB 已使用) ">> /tmp/info.txt echo "$swap MB ($uswap MB 已使用)" >> /tmp/info.txt echo $up >> /tmp/info.txt echo $load >> /tmp/info.txt echo $opsy >> /tmp/info.txt echo "$arch ($lbit 位) ">> /tmp/info.txt echo $kern >> /tmp/info.txt echo $virtua >> /tmp/info.txt echo $io1 >> /tmp/info.txt echo $io2 >> /tmp/info.txt echo $io3 >> /tmp/info.txt AKEY=$( uuid ) printf "%-30s%-20s%-24s%-12s\n" "节点名称" "IP地址" "下载速度" "延迟" speed && next printf "%-30s%-22s%-24s%-12s\n" "节点名称" "上传速度" "下载速度" "延迟" speed_cn && next python /tmp/ZPing-CN.py next NetCFspeec=$( sed -n "2p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetCFping=$( sed -n "3p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLJPspeed=$( sed -n "5p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLJPping=$( sed -n "6p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLSGspeed=$( sed -n "8p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLSGping=$( sed -n "9p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLUKspeed=$( sed -n "11p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLUKping=$( sed -n "12p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLDEspeed=$( sed -n "14p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLDEping=$( sed -n "15p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLCAspeed=$( sed -n "17p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetLCAping=$( sed -n "18p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSTXspeed=$( sed -n "20p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSTXping=$( sed -n "21p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSWAspeed=$( sed -n "23p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSWAping=$( sed -n "24p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSDEspeed=$( sed -n "26p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSDEping=$( sed -n "27p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSSGspeed=$( sed -n "29p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSSGping=$( sed -n "30p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSCNspeed=$( sed -n "32p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetSCNping=$( sed -n "33p" /tmp/speed.txt ) NetUPST=$( sed -n "4p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWST=$( sed -n "5p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiST=$( sed -n "6p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetUPCT=$( sed -n "7p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWCT=$( sed -n "8p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiCT=$( sed -n "9p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetUPXT=$( sed -n "10p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWXT=$( sed -n "11p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiXT=$( sed -n "12p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetUPSU=$( sed -n "13p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWSU=$( sed -n "14p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiSU=$( sed -n "15p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetUPCU=$( sed -n "16p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWCU=$( sed -n "17p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiCU=$( sed -n "18p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetUPXM=$( sed -n "19p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWXM=$( sed -n "20p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiXM=$( sed -n "21p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetUPSM=$( sed -n "22p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWSM=$( sed -n "23p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiSM=$( sed -n "24p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetUPCM=$( sed -n "25p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetDWCM=$( sed -n "26p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) NetPiCM=$( sed -n "27p" /tmp/speed_cn.txt ) wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionClub/ZBench/master/Generate.py >> /dev/null 2>&1 python Generate.py && rm -rf Generate.py && cp /root/report.html /tmp/report/index.html TSM=$( cat /tmp/shm.txt_table ) TST=$( cat /tmp/sht.txt_table ) TSU=$( cat /tmp/shu.txt_table ) TGM=$( cat /tmp/gdm.txt_table ) TGT=$( cat /tmp/gdt.txt_table ) TGU=$( cat /tmp/gdu.txt_table ) curl 'http://api.zbench.kirito.moe/action.php' --data "CPUmodel=$cname &CPUspeed=$freq MHz &CPUcore=$cores &HDDsize=$disk_total_size GB ($disk_used_size GB 已使用) &RAMsize=$tram MB ($uram MB 已使用)&SWAPsize=$swap MB ($uswap MB 已使用)&UPtime= $up&Arch=1&systemload=$load&OS= $opsy &Arch=$arch ($lbit 位)&Kernel=$kern &Virmethod=$virtua &IOa=$io1&IOb=$io2&IOc=$io3&NetCFspeec=$NetCFspeec&NetCFping=$NetCFping&NetLJPspeed=$NetLJPspeed&NetLJPping=$NetLJPping&NetLSGspeed=$NetLSGspeed&NetLSGping=$NetLSGping&NetLUKspeed=$NetLUKspeed&NetLUKping=$NetLUKping&NetLDEspeed=$NetLDEspeed&NetLDEping=$NetLDEping&NetLCAspeed=$NetLCAspeed&NetLCAping=$NetLCAping&NetSTXspeed=$NetSTXspeed&NetSTXping=$NetSTXping&NetSWAspeed=$NetSWAspeed&NetSWAping=$NetSWAping&NetSDEspeed=$NetSDEspeed&NetSDEping=$NetSDEping&NetSSGspeed=$NetSSGspeed&NetSSGping=$NetSSGping&NetSCNspeed=$NetSCNspeed&NetSCNping=$NetSCNping&NetUPST=$NetUPST&NetDWST=$NetDWST&NetPiST=$NetPiST&NetUPCT=$NetUPCT&NetDWCT=$NetDWCT&NetPiCT=$NetPiCT&NetUPXT=$NetUPXT&NetDWXT=$NetDWXT&NetPiXT=$NetPiXT&NetUPSU=$NetUPSU&NetDWSU=$NetDWSU&NetPiSU=$NetPiSU&NetUPCU=$NetUPCU&NetDWCU=$NetDWCU&NetPiCU=$NetPiCU&NetUPXM=$NetUPXM&NetDWXM=$NetDWXM&NetPiXM=$NetPiXM&NetUPSM=$NetUPSM&NetDWSM=$NetDWSM&NetPiSM=$NetPiSM&NetUPCM=$NetUPCM&NetDWCM=$NetDWCM&NetPiCM=$NetPiCM&TSM=$TSM&TST=$TST&TSU=$TSU&TGM=$TGM&TGT=$TGT&TGU=$TGU&AKEY=$AKEY&Provider=$Provider" IKEY=$(curl "http://api.zbench.kirito.moe/getkey.php?AKEY=$AKEY" 2>/dev/null) echo "在线查看测评报告:https://zbench.kirito.moe/record-cn.php?IKEY=$IKEY" echo "您的测评报告已保存在 /root/report.html" # If use simple http server while :; do echo read -p "你想现在查看您的测评报告吗? [y/n]: " ifreport if [[ ! $ifreport =~ ^[y,n]$ ]]; then echo "输入错误! 请确保你输入的是 'y' 或者 'n'" else break fi done if [[ $ifreport == 'y' ]];then echo "" myip=curl -m 10 -s http://members.3322.org/dyndns/getip
echo "访问 http://${myip}:8001/index.html 查看您的测试报告,按 Ctrl + C 退出" cd /tmp/report python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8001 iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8001 -j ACCEPT fi